Monday, February 18, 2013


Having a life of leisure has never done it for me. Every time I have found time on my hands to sit back and relax,  the euphoria of perfect leisure and having nothing to do doesn't last longer than a day or two. Before long I start feeling mentally and emotionally fat, which basically for me is feeling irrelevant, rootless and unanchored. The best thing about having a life of leisure is you can wake up and do anything you want, but the worst thing for most people in that position is exactly the same thing, you eventually run out of things you want to do - they become boring, not exciting anymore. When I am busy (working) my goals are clearly defined, my day is mapped out - but left to myself I tend to focus too much on things I might think will make me happy, but surprisingly most leave me unfulfilled and empty inside. I have learnt since that you can not achieve happiness by trying to do things to be happy, the secret to being happy is focusing on those around you (and not yourself) - only than can you find inward peace and feel a whole lot better about yourself.

The Offended

We have become a global community on taking offense over anything and everything. We not only take offense on a daily basis over trivial ...