My youngest turns sixteen today.
Old enough to fill my heart with a slight pang that the day is fast approaching when she too will be looking at University brochures ready to fly the nest like her older siblings and I will have to deal with an empty nest syndrome, but still young enough to enjoy her delightful company; because a delight she definitely is. And I am not saying this with a mother’s bias because I have never been an overly gushy kinda mom. As much as I adore my children, I view them objectively as individuals; ie beautifully written but still having typos in their character-script!
And what delights me about my youngest is her genuine warmth which she exudes wherever she goes. She is the kind of person who in a room full of strangers will come out bearing many friends. She is instinctively sensitive to the needs and wants of others and shows care in little unexpected ways that touches your heart. She is the one who leaves handwritten notes and bunch of flowers on the side table on Mothers or Fathers Day while my other, older two blissfully forget. She is one who comfort feeds you by baking you muffins and cookies with a cup of tea. She is the one who squeezes your hand and gives hugs for no reason. Her mindfulness and emotional intelligence always strikes me as way mature and beyond her sixteen years. My youngest certainly has a generous caring soul, but knows how to be sweet and silly and fun and sociable. And just as you nuzzle and settle into her fuzzy warmth of a character, you are jolted by her steely determination, her unwavering vision, because what she wants and sets her eyes on; you can count on it - she gets.
Bravo. Now that's my girl; who has the strength of character and intelligence (emotional, social and intellectual) to make things happen for her and for others around her. I have no doubt that she will sail through life, making many friends, championing many causes and staying true to her blessed warm heart.
Here’s to you my darling, always stay you! Happy Birthday!