Friday, June 06, 2014


Grace is my all time favourite attribute in people and one I wholeheartedly strive for every day of my life - but there are days when I get frustrated by the nervous, narrow and neurotic minds I come across and the abruptness with which they pounce on people, thinking and imaging the worst in every situation.

Very few people know how to be truly graceful in their lives and dealings with people and situations these days-  it's easy to be benevolent and graceful when things are going your way but the true test of character is when things don't go your way- most end up accosting others without thinking rationally and blowing everything way out of proportion - making things worse than they actually need to be. And it's really hard to react with grace when you are at the receiving end of someone's neurotic thoughts and ramblings. I know, because I was at the receiving end of one such encounter yesterday at work...

But that's exactly what you need to do - be graceful and not react in kind - but at the same time make a mental note to give these people a wide berth next time you see them. Believe me, you can do without these people in your life to continue your quest to live with grace!

The Offended

We have become a global community on taking offense over anything and everything. We not only take offense on a daily basis over trivial ...