Thursday, March 06, 2014


When you get to a certain age, thoughts of mortality become a near constant, if not constant reminder.  Suddenly you find increasing number of friends - some you grew up with and shared many signpost moments of yours and theirs life -  have serious health issues. Nearly all conversations with your parents involve visits to hospitals, doctors and medications.  People who were your rock, your generation, are dealing with loss of parents or spouses and are increasingly vulnerable needing your support. It is a poignant realisation that death looms ahead - not only for your near and dear elderly but for you as well.

  Thoughts of life ending is a strange feeling to harbour - sure, it makes you fearful  - the unknown always does - but most of all it makes you question a lot of things you do on a daily basis - little things you sweat over that do not really matter in the grand scheme of things - and even more than that it makes you want to really live like you have never lived before, enjoy, savour every moment spent with those you love and those who love you back. It makes you thankful you have today in health and what really matters turns out to be very different from what you think mattered. Lethargy and boredom falls off and life becomes much more about doing and experiencing, savouring every moment to its full.

A life lived well is the most any of us can hope for - and a life with a purpose is one lived well. The purpose doesn't necessarily have to be achievement of a lofty ideal or divine enlightenment for that matter - the purpose could be as simple as loving and caring for those around you, every little helps is truly an understatement, something we constantly overlook in our quest for a life lived on grand gestures - If your life can make one moment of another person's brighter, lighter and easier - then rest assured, your are living well!

The Offended

We have become a global community on taking offense over anything and everything. We not only take offense on a daily basis over trivial ...