I first heard of Kelly some 15 years past when feng shui and zen living was a fad sweeping though the design circles and every other designer had something or the other to say about it. Kelly was one of those who not only embraced the trend whole heartedly but also appeared in many TV programs, magazines and coffee-table books advocating simple, no fuss almost sparse living spaces devoid of colour.
I must confess, I like calm interiors, but I can't stand blandness in living spaces, because then it gets too clinical, too devoid of personality - so even though she became a big name back then, I never caught on to her style simply because it didn't resonate with me - But over the years my design ideas have evolved and matured as they are likely to do for any one who is on a design quest - the journey itself teaches you many things - and I was very interested to find out how Kelly's style has evolved over the decade and how her designs stand today.
To my utter surprise, her designs haven't changed at all since back then- time has stood still for her this past fifteen years, its as if she is too afraid to move away from her success recipe - and try something other than what she has always done. Its still beige and taupe all over - blandness is still rampant and advocated over any sort of colour.
Kelly, I think its about time you got keyed up on colour and use it in your designs - calm, harmony and zen can be achieved using coloured palette, you just have to look around you to know this - nature is the most calming of things to be surrounded with and nature is not bland - its more than beige and taupe.