Wednesday, December 11, 2013


In my opinion, dreams are best relegated to.... staying dreams.

 Every time my dream or wish has come true (and to be honest those times have been few and very far between), every time the thing I have coveted and worked towards has actually transpired - I have felt surprisingly flat, fizzed out, even low. I have realized the chase is what makes my dreams exciting - its the thrill of something just out of reach that gives my dreams its rosy glow - not the dream itself and this very realization has subconsciously made me a bit of an expert at ducking and dunking and just falling short of getting my wish - its almost as if I have mastered the skillful art of Tom-and -Jerry-style-maneuvers to keep chasing and chasing with no end in sight. I seriously subconsciously sabotage my own success. Sounds silly doesn't it - but that's the only reason I can think of that explains all the times I have fallen short of just being that person or just short of getting my hearts desire.

I don't need my dreams to come true, I just want them there to make my life exciting...

The Offended

We have become a global community on taking offense over anything and everything. We not only take offense on a daily basis over trivial ...