Friday, September 20, 2013


I was out dining last night at a lovely Italian restuarant and the only thing that spoiled the otherwise perfect evening was the temperature - it was too chilly and even though I asked the waitress to turn up the temperature control at our end of the restaurant, it still remained a tad uncomfortably cold making me wish I had brought my jumper or shawl with me. Living in Abu Dhabi with 40 plus temperatures in the summer, I tend to forget that it can get quite chilly in malls and restaurants with the aircon on full speed - a mistake I have made repeatedly, but who can blame me, it is unbearabily hot outdoors and picking out a shawl or cardigan seems ludicrous when you are getting ready to go out. But a light and  warm pashmina is a must here in the summers  - more so because it folds easily in the tiniest of bags and unfurls to provide you the warmth when needed.

There is something real comforting about throws and shawls in general. The cocoon effect they improvise is reminiscient of womb-like comfort that is ingrained in our subconscious from the day we were born. Nothing is more comforting to me than curling up on my favorite settee with my soft throw and a nice cup of tea especially if I have had a full day - and I am guilty of having passed on this habit to my two girls as well. Both will scramble over each other and 'bagsy' the throw and the couch and invariably end up arguing. I have tried to eliviate this 'slight' problem in my household by buying more throws, but somehow it always happens that one throw ends up being everyone's favourite. Mind you finding the right throw is akin to picking a needle out of a haystack - there are so many out there but the one with the right weight, feel, size not to mention colours that complement your decor is pretty hard - (and before you start shaking your head and thinking I need to  get a life - let me assure you thats a dilemma faced by many of my friends and aquaintences as well - so I thankfully am not alone in this one). I used to think it was me being my too picky self, but hey why would everyone gravitate to that one perfect one if there wasn't a dire shortage of perfectly snuggly throws out there!

If anyone out there knows a company that makes warm, snuggly throws or balnkets in delicious colours and patterns - please do share!

The Offended

We have become a global community on taking offense over anything and everything. We not only take offense on a daily basis over trivial ...