We are not doing a great job teaching our kids originality either. I was recently at my 17 year old son’s parents-teachers consultation and lost count the number of times his various teachers mentioned he has to do such-and-such to get the grades which he needs to get into the university course of his choice. I could hear them telling the same to all the other parents while I waited in turn to see some of his teachers, and I felt a bit sad for all the young, slightly apprehensive young people there with their equally bewildered parents – if everyone needed to do the same things to get the same grades, the education system was advocating conformism and toeing-the-line over individualism and exploration of their distinctive preferences and personalities. Working in a school as well, every day I see (and feel crushed, every single time) when a child’s individuality is put on hold to work on something that needs to be done just so, because that’s how they need to learn it, because that’s how they will be assessed later. It is a sad state of affairs, I don’t know why we are so afraid to let children explore their individualism and map their own learning experiences.
But on a positive note, homes are where you can unleash your individuality, thats why your personal space is so important because sometimes in this world where everything has to be just so, thats the only place you can unwind and be your true self. So, do not be afraid, trust your instinctive style, and do yourself a favour, do not call in an interior designer…