Sometimes I think talk is so overrated. Talk is the key to all chaos we see in the world around us. The religious and political divides; the socialists and the communists; the left wings and the right wings; the anarchists and the pacifists; all spew ‘talks’ to discredit and belittle others and make themselves believe in their petty causes, which to be honest are not that inherently different in that they serve them and no one else. Wouldn't the world be a peaceful place if we could silence the constant spew of talk and instead listened or read. Listened to ourselves for starters. Listened keenly to little voices of reason and intuition and conscience we are all born with but that we learn to so affectively drown as we grow older and join self-serving causes; in hopes of worldly redemption from people like us - which we don't need to begin with. The only redemption we need is from the higher power that created us with a clear purpose or in our own eyes.
I am not a big believer in the power of talk. In fact it should be dubbed the art of deception, or brain washing. Ninety nine percent of the time those famous for their time-revered speeches in history, military, religious, political or social, have been proven hypocritical at best, presenting idealistic views of self sacrifice and service that they themselves never followed through with. If you can't put yourself in the frontline to take the blows for your cause, don't ask others to do it for you. Simple.
Talking has never been my strong point and most oft then not, in times of need where I desperately needed to save or the very least redeem my self, talk has always let me down. My family and friends know that I find solace in silence. I am comfortable in the void presented by silence. I find purity, clarity and vastness in its emptiness. A vastness that is comfortingly cosy and familiar yet has sparks of novelty like shooting starts across a noir sky that keeps its forever fresh and exciting. I may be going off the tangent and a little abstract and poetic here, but really for me, talk vs text? There is no comparison. Even God almighty preferred the written word to talk. He gave us holy texts to think, ponder, reason over and guide ourselves through the murky lanes of our worldly existence. Even with religious texts, it is only when people started talking and debating and fighting over every little detail of the written word of God that so many divisions, cracks and sects appeared. God meant for us to read and feel his written words- everyone was and indeed is welcome to make his own sense, find his own peace and feel a closeness to creator through it.
My advice - don't talk. Instead read the written word and feel and reason and let it sink to the deepest part of you. If your brain rejects something, your intuition and conscience will pick it up. If your conscience is outraged by something you read, your brain and logic will reason and make sense of it. At the very least, what you read will make you wiser, what you talk about will put you words out in the world for any one to repeat as their own if they like it or misconstrue as yours if they don't.